
Help neighbors sell

  Hello my name is Karisma Atha merfya just call Risma Today I will write down my activities while at home, Yesterday I helped my neighbor selling sausages, like that You see the picture above, during the Covid -19 pandemic like this there were many people selling to meet their needs because there are also many employees who are on vacation, Here's the sausage frying process Sausages are fried on a hot pan, after they are finished frying, they will be served to buyers  .  

Storytelling village

 Hello! my name is Karisma Atha merfya from SMAN 1 PURWOSARI. I will tell you about my village, Ketuwon-Sumberejo  jempinang river tubing is one of the tours in my village, the water is very clear and many visitors like it because the water is pure without a mixture of pokarit, there will be an opinion from the committee so that things don't happen.

Nature Photography Exhibition ( SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari - Pasuruan, Indonesia)

  Natural beauty is a small part of the beauty of heaven. Why don't we take care of it so that the beauty of the earth remains? Out there There are still many people who are not aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and natural beauty, even though if they look after and care for nature it will be for themselves  Name: Karisma Atha merfya  Class: X MIPA 2 Absent number: 12


 "Don't cut trees carelessly because 1 tree saves thousands of lives" "Plant rice so that the yield is abundant and the economic needs are not fulfilled" "Water is a source of life, clean water is a source of health." "

"SOS4LOVE Project 2020"

Wekk 1  I hope that in the future there will be more job vacancies so that the economy in each family is sufficient so that no one is short of money Wekk 2 Wekk 3



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